Enroll in Health Coverage
Need Health Insurance Coverage?
The Health Insurance Marketplace is a way to find and buy health coverage that fits your budget and meets your needs.
You and your family may also qualify for free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). You can apply to Medicaid or CHIP at any time during the year.
You may qualify for a special enrollment period outside of open enrollment due to a life event like losing other coverage, getting married, or having a child.
How to Enroll

Useful Resources
Marketplace Contact Information:
Oregon Residents
Telephone Number: 1-800-318-2596
Website: www.healthcare.gov
Idaho Residents
Telephone Number: 1-855-944-3246
Website: www.yourhealthidaho.org
Medicaid Office Contact Information:
Oregon Residents
Telephone Number: 1-800-699-9075
Website: www.oregon.gov/oha
Idaho Residents
Telephone Number: 1-877-456-1233
Website: healthandwelfare.idaho.gov